There is a huge generic range of CSA resources at the following SOIL ASSOCIATION webpage: http://www.soilassociation.org/communitysupportedagriculture, which links to everything including the newly established Community Supported Agriculture Google Group.
One resource of particular value is Jim Browns piece on Community investment in CSA – worth linking to in its own right: http://www.soilassociation.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5wx%2Fk2q0d6I%3D&tabid=373
Some examples of Community Supported Agriculture initiatives are:
Fordhall Farm: http://www.fordhallfarm.com
Ecological Land Co-operative: http://ecologicalland.coop/
Whistlewood Common: http://www.whistlewoodcommon.org/
The Community Farm: http://www.thecommunityfarm.co.uk/
Other Resources
At the Workshop in Ballymena on the 22nd October 2013, Kirstin Glendinning, Patrick Frew and Mark Simmonds lead a conversation on Community Supported Agriculture initiatives and provided an overview on both what locally and globally can be achieved when communities are producing food together.
On the day we prepared a vox box with Mark and Kirstin. Check out the short VIMEO with Mark athttp://vimeo.com/77597855 and with Kirstin at http://vimeo.com/77782211 .
Kirstin from the Kindling Trust (www.kindling.org.uk ) gave a global overview from USA to France and Italy. “Community Supported Agriculture is any food, fuel or fibre production initiative where the community shares the risks and rewards of production whether through ownership, investment, sharing the cost of production or provision of labour” Kirstin said.
Case Studies: Community shares to finance CSA
Mark Simmonds brought an in-depth knowledge on how community shares can be used to finance CSA initiatives and his presentation is available by clicking CSA Community Investment Presentation .
Local Case Study: Incredible Edible Cloughmills
Patrick described the inspiring story of “Incredible Edible Cloughmills”. This is a local project not very far from Ballymena which had proved that “when people is working together anything is possible”. To view Patrick’s presentation please click on the following links:
IEC alternative reality – PART A