Loveworks Co-op loanstock offer NOW OPEN
Loveworks Co-operative is a worker cooperative, which generates dignity and wellbeing for its workers who have gained skills and experience in gardening, bike repair, and baking, and want to use their skills to support their needs while providing a useful service to the wider community.
On Saturday the 7th December, Loveworks launched their loanstock offer. Tiziana O’Hara from Co-operative Alternatives said ‘ A loanstock offer is practically an unsecured, fixed-term and fixed interest loan to Loveworks from individuals and organisations interested in supporting their work. This is an interesting tool often adopted by worker co-operatives to raise finance from their community of interest.”
Tiziana O’Hara added “Loveworks is growing and needs more equipment to run their operations. It made business sense to issue a loanstock offer. We have had great interest at the event on Saturday with many supporters, customers and friends pledging towards it!”
The loanstock offer was prepared under the Get Ready to Grow programme, funded by Co-op Foundation and delivered by Co-operative Alternatives. If you want to download an application please do so here loveworks_loanstock_offer _FINAL and for more information either contact us in Co-operative Alternatives or Richard Higginson on loveworkscoop@gmail.com or visit their website at https://loveworkscoop.com/