Learn about co-ops in Northern Ireland
Co-operative Alternatives are pleased to present two events in Belfast on Tuesday 20 October. Both events are part of the all Ireland Co-operative Convergence festival www.cultivate.ie . All are welcome at one event or both events. The events are an afternoon study tour of local co-ops from 1-5pm followed by an evening Public meeting on Co-operative Responses to Austerity from 6-8pm. Both events are free but please book at www.coopconvergencebelfast.eventbrite.com
Study tour of Belfast Co-ops, 1-5pm
Join us to celebrate and learn with several co-ops in one afternoon. (Please note, tour details may be subject to change).
Study Tour Program
1pm Introductions with Co-operative Alternatives, the only body in Northern Ireland entirely devoted to developing successful co-operatives. Starting point tbc.
1.30pm Boundary Brewing tbc at their brewery, owned by 450 members who bought £100,000 worth of community shares in ten days.
2.30pm Belfast Cleaning Co-op at Trademark, cross community workers co-op founded in 2012, now employing 7 worker-owners.
Northern Ireland Community Energy (NICE) solar panels featured on roof of the Ashton Centre
3.30pm Belfast Teachers Credit Union at their office, with news about the global conference of credit unions to be held in Belfast, 17-20 July.
4.20pm Creative Workers Co-op at their office.
4.40pm Lunasa cafe workers co-op.
Pre-booking on the Study Tour is essential.
Co-op Refreshments, from 5pm
From 5pm til about 6.30pm, Lunasa will provide optional but wonderful food and drink, over the counter, ie each person pays for their own refreshments. To assist with catering numbers, please book your place.
Public meeting: Co-operative Responses to Austerity, 6-8pm
We have much to learn from co-operative and popular responses to austerity from countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Argentina. Co-operators there have a lot of experience in responses such as alternative currencies, food distribution, recovered factories etc. Speakers tbc will join us online, with interactive questions, answers and discussion. More details to follow.