Why co-operatives should not be ignored in NI and Co-operative Alternatives AGM.
REGISTRATION OPEN NOW : https://co-operativealternatives2016.eventbrite.co.uk or by sending an email to tiziana@coopalternatives.coop
This is a roundtable event followed by Co-operative Alternatives AGM. It offers the opportunity to explore the role of the co-operative movement in Northern Ireland in the years to come.
The Government is currently consulting on its Programme for Government Framework for the next five years. While much is made out of future collaboration between sectors, government departments and the new outcome-driven approach, insufficient attention has been paid to what democratic ownership means, what definition of growth we want to live with, and how developing and sustaining local co-operatives might be, in fact, one of the essential indicators that would contribute to shape our society, our jobs and our long term well-being.
Co-operative Alternatives invites you to take part in a facilitated discussion with Davie Phillip from Cultivate.ie on the role that co-operatives can play and contribute to the well-being agenda embraced by this programme of Government. Let us discuss together what co-operatives can offer to the debate with the view to feed our thoughts in the Consultation process by July 2016.
Speakers will include directors from The Raglan Project (William Millar), Northern Ireland Community Energy (Karen Arbuckle), as well as Co-operative Alternatives (Tiziana O’Hara, Jo Bird).
Keynote listeners are: John Woods and Peter Doran, authors of “Measuring Wellbeing in Northern Ireland – A new conversation for new times”
The Annual General Meeting of Co-operative Alternatives will follow at 1.45pm. New members are welcome to join on the day. A buffet lunch will be provided.
Program: Roundtable Discussion
11.30 Registration opens 12.00 Tapas Buffet Lunch from Lunasa Caife workers co-op 12.15 Registration closes 12.20 Introductory remarks – Tiziana O’Hara & Davie Phillips 12.28 The Raglan Project – William Millar 12.36 Northern Ireland Community Energy – Karen Arbuckle 12.45 Discussion facilitated by Davie Phillips, Cultivate.ie 1.30 Keynote listeners remarks, Peter Doran and John Woods 1.40 Short break
Annual General Meeting Agenda
1.45 Annual General Meeting of Co-operative Alternatives Introductions and welcome to new members Minutes of last AGM Presentation of annual report and accounts Motion to take up option to not appoint an auditor Election of the Board Any other business 2.45 Close
REGISTRATION OPEN NOW: https://co-operativealternatives2016.eventbrite.co.uk or by sending an email to tiziana@coopalternatives.coop