‘Raising Money the Co-operative Way’
Facilitator: Andy Cocktaildress
Webinar: Wednesday 25 May 2022 from 12.00pm – 1.30pm
We have invited practitioners from around UK and far afield to share their knowledge and skills. They will help us to develop co-op skills locally during short, relevant and interesting webinars from April to June 2022.
This webinar is all about money!
Andy Cocktaildress will explore what co-ops can do to raise money when most they need it. If you are thinking to raise ‘community shares’ or launch a loanstock offer, you must join this interesting overview on what works and what does not.
Bio: Andy is a member of Co-op Culture and Acorn Co-op Support acorncoopsupport.org.uk and Radical Routes in Leeds. Andy is a very experienced co-op development worker, with a speciality in Small Housing Co-ops, and small worker co-ops that have an ecological/sustainability focus. This includes:
- Food Production;
- Woodland Management;
- Small Scale Craft Production; and
- Community Small Scale Appropriate Technology.
Andy’s expertise is in Finance Management, having co-operated to manage a peer to peer £500,000 loan fund for co-operative development. He helped develop business plans, set up financial systems and has a lot of experience in bookkeeping and end of year accounts.
Please register and you will receive a zoom link nearer the event. To register click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/310706580747