Northern Ireland Policy – One Stop Shop Energy Shop for Northern Ireland
Following the completion of the One Stop Shop in collaboration with Drumlin Wind Energy Co-operative and Northern Ireland Community Energy (NICE) Ltd, Co-operative Alternatives supports the concept of the One Stop Shop for Energy proposed by the Department for the Economy. It is important that communities across Northern Ireland can access accurate, impartial and updated information and advice on energy solutions with appropriate financial support.
However, the creation of Sustainable Energy Communities is an essential step towards reaching net-zero carbon targets and we strongly advised the Department for the Economy not to ignore the potential that collectives and co-operatives approaches can play in decarbonize all essential aspects of our lives, homes and transport. There are economies of scales that can be reached by a collective and community approach as well as significant educational, social and behavioural impacts.
This is a space we continue to develop with partners’ organisations, if you are interested in Sustainable Energy Communities please do not hesitate to contact us at tiziana@coopalternatives.coop.
Draft Economy Strategy Belfast City Council
Co-operative Alternatives has also contributed to Belfast City Council’s Draft Economy Strategy in Jan 2023. Continued support for co-operatives, raising awareness and providing specialised training have remained as important elements in future delivery of economic development. We highlighted the areas trending for co-operative development such as affordable housing, access to land and financial support in Belfast as well as growing food and energy schemes in other Council areas.
If you want to learn more about co-operative development, please get in touch with Co-op Alternatives.