Jubilee Farm & Co-operative Alternatives join forces to deliver a new community farm course

UTV Rare Breed viewers will already recognise Jubilee Manager, Jonny Hanson, as he is currently giving an insight into the unusual world of Northern Ireland’s first community-owned farm on the popular series.

Today, in the picturesque countryside setting just outside the County Antrim village of Glynn near Larne, their vision and belief in community farming has made Jubilee into what it has become in this relatively short time. Indeed, it could be said that Jubilee Farm is to coin a well-known phrase; “rare as hen’s teeth” certainly in Northern Ireland as it is one of a kind for the time being. Jonny knew he was bringing something unique to the region. And far from wishing to hold onto this status, he looks forward to the day when community farms are part of the landscape.

This same aspiration of replicating a successful model is shared by Co-operative Alternatives, the local co-operative development body, and in no time, a great collaboration was born. With the support of the Co-op Foundation, Jubilee Farm and Co-op Alternatives have co-designed and will co-deliver a new introductory course on community farming.

The course is for community groups who want to be involved in farming and farmers who want to involve local communities.

Through the course, participants will be exploring a variety of community farming models as well as learn practical tools from first-hand experienced Jubilee Farm employees. The outcomes of the training are to increase understanding of what is required to start a community farm, increase knowledge of what is required to run a farm and learn best strategies to engage local communities.

The purposely designed training course will be starting on the 20thApril 2021 and run for six weeks until the 25thMay 2021. The training course consists of four online facilitated sessions, an exclusive visit to Jubilee Farm* and a final presentation day.

This is an opportunity to explore your community farm idea and develop it weekly through the guiding hand of Jonny and Tiziana. At the end of the course, the participants will leave with a developed portfolio and a roadmap of what they need to do next.

If you are interested and want further information, please request an interest form info@coopalternatives.coop

Check out our short video for more information – https://youtu.be/OKa1VsvkXAE

*Subject to Covid restrictions.